Lauren and I set out today on a nature walk. I told her that I was going to teach her how to use my camera to take pictures of things she found along our trip that she thought were intriguing. Our lesson began with her taking a few pictures of me to get comfortable holding the camera, looking at the screen and pushing the button. After two shots, she was ready to continue on our walk. She put the camera strap around her neck, made sure she turned the camera off between shots, and was very deliberate about putting the lens cover back on each time. She was so cute! Of course my first thought was, "I need a picture of her with the camera around her neck...oh wait..."
Here are her first two practice shots:

We talked about the different types of trees we saw and different flowers (and some weeds!) along the way.
Beautiful Magnolia. I showed her the flower buds all over the tree and explained that very soon the buds would be big, beautiful, fragrant magnolia blossoms!

Weed...errr...lovely yellow flowers!
After she took this photo, I showed her how to use the zoom button.

Same the zoom was figured out

More azaleas. Next lesson will be learning how to focus better.

She loves azaleas!

After each photo, Lauren would show me and I would give her a critique. In this shot I said, "Do you see your shadow?" Then we talked about where she needed to stand to be sure not to have her shadow in the picture...

This was the follow-up photo! She zoomed in and moved her shadow! Nice job!


Oops...another shadow!

Take Two! She's learning!

Pretty little

Weed! a.k.a. clover blossom

But Mom got closer and got this sneaky shot!
All in all we had a great time and I think she did AMAZING for a little person! I'm a proud Mama and can't wait for more photo lessons with my junior photographer.